6 Almanac Selectors/Properties

all property resets all the selected element's properties except for properties that control text direction. The point of it is to reset the styles.
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The :blank pseudo-class is similar to :empty pseudo-class. :blank allows us to select elements that only contain HTML comment or whitespace.
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bleed property specifies the space outside of the page box for printed page.
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Caret is a blinking mark placed before insertion of written text. We can specify shape and color of it with caret-color and caret-shape.
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empty-cells selects empty table cells in order to display borders/backgrounds on them or not. It's same as visibility property but for tale cells.
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:has() pseudo-class lets applying styles on elements that match the selector passed into argument. It can be very helpful when styling cards and for example, when some cards have image and others don't. In this case has pseudo-class can pick only cards with image element.
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